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What Is An Example Of A Biological Hazard In Our Daily Lives?

Have you ever wondered, what is an example of a biological hazard in our daily lives? Or why do we need to be aware of biological hazards?

Biological hazard is the potential to spread disease through contact with a pathogen. There is a potential for biological hazards in any place where people are in close contact.

This includes medical facilities, schools, and offices. One of the most common types of biological hazards is infectious bacteria.

What is Biological Hazard?

A biological hazard is any biological agent that can cause disease in a person or animal. Bacteria, viruses, parasitic organisms, fungi, and some types of toxins are all considered biological hazards.

These agents can cause infection, illness, death, and even transmit disease to people.

What Is An Example Of A Biological Hazard?

Biological hazards can be found in the air, water, soil, and food. Some may not be visible to the human eye but can still affect your health.

Examples of Biological Hazards


Toxins are poisons produced by living organisms and cause injury or death if they enter the body. It can be found in plants, animals, microorganisms (germs), and even humans. A toxin may be natural or manufactured.


Viruses are tiny organisms that can only live inside of human cells. These cannot reproduce on their own; they are dependent upon the machinery of a human cell for reproduction.

Examples of viruses include HIV (AIDS virus), hepatitis B and C, polio, measles, rabies, dengue fever, rotavirus, and many more!


Fungi are microscopic organisms that lack chlorophyll. They cannot produce their food, so they need nutrients from other living things such as plants or animals (including humans).

Fungi are not just limited to mushrooms; they include yeasts and molds! There are approximately 1 million species of fungi!


Bacteria are microorganisms that live in or on all living things. This can cause disease in humans and other animals when they enter the body, multiply in large numbers, and release harmful substances into the body. Examples of bacteria include salmonella, tuberculosis (TB), and cholera.

Biological hazards can be present in many different ways, such as:

  1. In the environment, for example, in soil or water
  2. Food or water supplies
  3. In animals and animal products such as meat, dairy, and eggs
  4. From other people (for instance, from infected medical staff or a patient to a health care professional)
  5. Biological hazards can occur naturally or be deliberately released (for example, by terrorists).

How to Prevent Biological Hazards

Biological hazards can be anything from infectious agents to radioactive materials. Protecting yourself and your employees from biological hazards is a top concern in any laboratory setting. 

Here are the most common biological hazards and how to prevent them:

The most common biological hazards in the laboratory are viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms, found in fresh tissue samples, blood, and bodily fluids. Viruses are the most significant risk, especially if they’re airborne.

Toxins from poisonous plants also pose a threat, especially in greenhouses or agricultural settings. Strictly limit access to these areas when necessary.

If you work with animals, you’ll need to ensure that you’re following the proper procedures for handling various diseases and toxins. Even pet owners should take precautions when working with animals in their homes.

Another common biological hazard comes from radioactive materials, which represent a significant health risk if not handled properly. The best way to prevent problems is to make sure that anyone who works with radioactive materials takes proper safety precautions.

Final Words – What Is an Example of a Biological Hazard

To protect your customers from getting sick, it is important to understand both the types of biological hazards (bacteria and parasites) and what makes food unsafe to eat.

If you are not sure about the significance of each kind of hazard, check out our blog about the three types of hazards that make food unsafe are.

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