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Understanding the Areola Restoration Procedure – Step-By-Step

Areola restoration is a separate procedure performed after breast reconstruction to make the reconstructed breast look more like the original breast. It can be done in an outpatient setting or an office under local anesthesia.

Small skin flaps are folded and stitched during this surgery to form the new nipple mound. Then, the new nipple is shaped to give it an upraised look compared to the breast mound.


The Laguna Med Spa Areola Restoration is an advanced cosmetic procedure that allows patients to choose their areolas’ size, shape, and color after major breast-related surgeries, including breast reduction, mastectomies, reconstruction, or implants. This procedure also works well for patients with irregular or fading areolas who want to restore them to a more natural look.

During the Areola Restoration Procedure, surgeons use skin flaps from the chest to create a nipple and areola. They then harvest skin from other parts of your body that darken with age and tend to graft well, such as the inner thigh or lower leg.

The nipple and areola are then tattooed with micro pigmentation to shade them in. This adds the final element to a woman’s reconstruction journey and reflects her new breast mound’s natural, beautiful image. It also helps to give the client confidence and self-esteem as she moves forward after her surgery.


During your areola restoration procedure, a flap of skin from your reconstructed breast is taken to reconstruct the nipple and areola. Skin can be grafted from another part of your body to create the nipple or tattooed to approximate a natural areola.

Nipple reconstruction is an important step in breast reconstruction because it helps you regain a natural-looking shape for your new breast. It can also help boost your self-esteem and confidence.

Your surgeon may perform nipple reconstruction about 3 to 6 months after primary breast reconstruction, as this allows time for optimal healing and dissipation of post-op swelling. This timeframe is based on your specific breast tissue, body shape, and goals for the procedure.

Your doctor will use a local anesthetic to make the incisions that will allow them to reconstruct your areola and nipple. It takes a few hours to complete, and you can usually go home the same day.


After a mastectomy or lumpectomy procedure, you may want to have the nipple and areola reconstructed. This cosmetic surgery can help you boost your self-esteem and get a more natural-looking breast mound.

Nipple and areola reconstruction is typically performed after 3 to 4 months post-op when the new breast mound has healed enough to support nipple and areola placement. Reconstruction can be done through several techniques; your healthcare provider will explain each.

A skin graft is a common technique for reconstructing the nipple. This is when your surgeon uses skin from the thigh, stomach, or inner thigh to build up your nipple and areola.


Depending on your surgeon, your recovery will be short- and long-term. The short term involves no more than the usual pain medication and some rest to a certain degree. The long term is when you can enjoy life again. The best part is seeing the results of your hard work in the mirror for the first time. The most enjoyable aspect of the process is that you can reclaim your life and return to the activities you loved to do before. Luckily, we have dedicated doctors and nurses on call to ensure your recovery is as smooth and stress-free as possible. Hopefully, your experience will be remembered for the rest of your days.

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