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7 Dangers Of Rapid Detox And Why You Should Stay Away From Them

Yes, we all know detoxification from any addiction can be tiresome.

You have to uphold a lot of courage and determination. Plus, you cannot wait for it to end. However, going through the entire thing too fast can be problematic as well.

There is a certain time period that you have to give yourself in order to help yourself go through the entire process smoothly.

You owe it to yourself!

So, you will have to have patience and trust the process. A good rehabilitation center will always give you the required time to heal perfectly. If you find it difficult to get into such a rehab center, check out this company’s site.

Your healing is a steady process; it cannot be rushed!

However, what happens when you rush it? The results are drastic, and they can never prevent relapses after the recovery.

If you are still not convinced that you shouldn’t go for rapid detox, then sit back as we elaborate upon the harmful effects of a rushed detox.

What Is A Rapid Detox?

First of all, detox is not the only step you need to finish for full addiction recovery. This is one of the reasons why even if you complete a quick detox, you are not fully cured.

Rapid detox is a medical procedure where a patient is put under anesthesia for more than five days. Through this procedure, anti-opioid drugs are pushed inside the patient’s body, and this essentially drains out the heroin or other synthetic drug inside the body.

Fair disclaimer, this is something different than medical detox. Medical detox is a general procedure that is used in all detoxification centers. 

This is when the body is cleansed through medicine, and certain medicines are also prescribed when people have difficulty with their withdrawal symptoms.

If the idea that you are put under anesthesia scares you, then keep reading as we will be describing the drastic health effects this rapid detox can have.

7 Deadly Dangers Of Rapid Detox

Here are seven deadly dangers that affect your entire life, and not in a good way.

Therefore, always stay away from rapid detoxes.

1. Irregular Cardiac Functions

It starts with irregular heartbeats. Because your body has been under forced anesthesia for more than any other medical procedure, it takes some time for your heartbeat to get adjusted to reality.

As you may, your heartbeat is slow when you are put under anesthesia, and after a period of five days, it takes some time to get to the regular level if the heart can beat irregularly after the detox.

It can sometimes lead to heart problems that might emerge later or even cause sudden cardiac arrest.

2. Withdrawal Symptoms Are Still There

Rapid detoxification is anything but a cure for addiction. You can never expect to never have cravings again just because your body is cleansed of the substance.

You will often feel the need and cravings for these substances more often than not. Because your body is clean, but it is still dependent, it will constantly ask for these substances until the time you give up and consume them again.

This surrendering is the effect of the withdrawal symptom, and you cannot get rid of them without the proper help. Now, you can only get this help when you are inside the rehabilitation center, talking therapies, and being supervised 24/7.

3. Major Psychosis

Along with these painful withdrawal symptoms, you will start having major psychological problems. These are not limited to serious mental health problems like severe depression, where patients can sometimes even feel suicidal.

Some of the other symptoms include panic attacks which can even lead to seizures. This should be enough reason for you to stay away from rapid detox.

4. Possible Coma

There have been very few cases recorded where the patient doesn’t wake up from the anesthesia.

The body is already very vulnerable when someone is suffering from a deadly addiction. Now in times like this, when you are put under strong anesthesia, coma is not very uncommon.

5. Less Improvement Over Other Detoxification Program

When we talk about recovery, it is not just about cleansing the body from the addictive substance. There are other contributory elements.

For example, in a rehabilitation program through cognitive behavioral therapy, patients are taught about their triggers and what to avoid. Then, through groups, family therapies, and physical exercises patients are prepared for life after recovery.

This is something heavily missing from rapid detox. It is essential to get this stigma out of people’s minds that if you get your body cleansed, your mind will automatically heal.

In order to heal from within, you have to ensure to pass through every detoxifying step and not just your body.

6. Respiration Issues

Respiration issues are another common problem that patients face after being in a state of unconsciousness for so long.

With the sudden relapse from this drug that your body was accustomed to, your organs start acting up. If someone is addicted to something as dangerous, your lungs will be the first thing that will give up.

This is a form of withdrawal symptom that can give rise to many respiratory problems.

7. Death

This is the ultimate reason for you to avoid rapid detox at any detox. There have been cases of people never waking up from their coma, or people having sudden cardiac arrests.

Even suicidal tendencies are a common symptom. No fast action is worth this consequence.

It Is Not A Cure!

Rapid detox is something you should never opt for!

If you want to recover from the clutches of addiction, go for a credible private detoxification center and learn about the new positive way of life. This rapid detoxification is not helping you in any way. Rather, it is making the withdrawal symptom even worse.

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