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What is a short-term benefit to eliminating a dependence on drugs?

The question of what is a short-term benefit to eliminating a dependency on drugs?

Many governments and community policymakers are faced with the reality that the vast majority of people who become addicted to drugs do not intend to stay that way. 

The addiction is, in fact, a “short-cut” to feelings of euphoria when using drugs. 

That euphoria will wear off, usually quickly, and then the addiction to those same drugs will be again coursed through the same feelings. 

This cycle is not unlike an automobile that is continually being driven at higher speeds with little or no regard for how the individual’s physical health or safety may suffer.

What is a short-term benefit to eliminating a dependence on drugs?

The benefits of avoiding drugs include but are not limited to physical health, social life, emotional well-being, and the reduction of drug use and related social problems.

Physical health

Physical health is the most immediate benefit; physical health is closely linked to the chemical composition of the human brain, specifically how the brain naturally responds to drug use. 

When drug use affects the brain chemistry in such a way that the brain does not function normally or is not able to “think” in the same ways, the individual experiencing the problem will experience physical symptoms and will need rehabilitation if they do not want to suffer serious physical health consequences. 

Rehabilitation can lead to reduced hospital stays, decreased need for ongoing healthcare, improved job functioning and interpersonal relationships, and an overall sense of well-being. 

Social life

Social life is directly tied to how well an individual feels about their self-image and feeling of self-worth.

Emotional health

Emotional health and the quality of social connections are also linked to drug use.

Drug use affects individuals’ perception of their personal and social situation in unique and adverse ways that often lead to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and despair. 

Individuals who have experienced trauma or abuse in their lives are far more likely to develop substance addiction than individuals who have not. 

Social ties are deeply intertwined with emotional well-being and can make drug use more socially acceptable and at least seem less shameful, risky, or self-destructive.


Although the question of what is a short-term benefit to eliminating a dependency on drugs used may be important to some, the importance of recovery often has far greater significance. 

No matter what happens in your journey to sobriety, know that you are not alone and have access to support resources. 

These resources will be invaluable to you in achieving your recovery goal and becoming a productive member of society. 

Be aware that your drug use may be behind bars, but the real problem may be much deeper than you realize.

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