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Healthy Eating

5 Tips to Help You Eat in a Calorie Deficit

Don’t diet! You can eat your favorite food without any guilt or concern about calorie counting. How to eat in a calorie deficit? Follow these tips for your answer.

Why a calorie deficit is necessary

A calorie deficit is necessary because it takes less energy (calories) to perform a given task at a lower weight than it does to perform that same task at a higher weight.

For example, if a woman weighs 140 pounds and wants to go from a size 14 to a size 8, she will need to expend 7,500 calories to lose 10 pounds. If she weighs 170 pounds and wants to go from a size 12 to a size 8, she will need to expend 11,500 calories.

A calorie deficit of 7,500 calories is much easier to achieve than a calorie deficit of 11,500 calories.

However, a calorie deficit of 7,500 calories only results in 10 pounds of weight loss. Therefore, to achieve the same rate of weight loss, a more significant calorie deficit is necessary.

For example, if a woman weighs 170 pounds and wants to go from a size 12 to a size 8, she must expend 22,500 calories to lose 10 pounds. If she weighs 140 pounds and wants to go from a size 14 to a size 8, she must expend 28,000 calories.

A calorie deficit of 22,500 calories is much easier to achieve than a calorie deficit of 28,000 calories.

However, a calorie deficit of 22,500 calories only results in 20 pounds of weight loss. Therefore, to achieve the same rate of weight loss, a higher calorie deficit is necessary.

What a calorie deficit means

A calorie deficit is the number of calories you burn in a day, compared with the number of calories you take in.

To lose weight, you often need to burn more calories than you consume. Your body uses up stored fat for energy, which usually occurs when you restrict your calorie intake.

A deficit can be either temporary or permanent.


This is when you start a calorie deficit to lose weight. Examples include cutting back on the number of calories you eat or adding exercise to your daily routine.


This is when you start eating fewer calories than your body needs to maintain your weight. Your body will eventually go into “starvation mode” and start using stored fat for energy.

How to Eat In a Calorie Deficit

Eating in a calorie deficit is the most important thing you can do to start seeing results. But it can be tough.

If you’re trying to lose weight, you’re probably eating less — and cutting back on calories is the most effective way to lose fat. While a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day (the recommended level to lose 1 pound a week) is tough to track, it’s not impossible.

Keep a food journal and note everything you eat. Count calories, measure portions and pay attention to everything that goes in your mouth. Don’t overcomplicate things, though.

Here are some simple tips for eating in a calorie deficit every day without ever feeling hungry.

Don’t diet

Tightening the belt and cutting calories to lose weight is as ineffective as dieting. Studies show that dieting only results in temporary weight loss and weight gain soon after. A far better approach is to adopt a lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise.

Dieting is hard work, and many people can’t sustain it. Researchers at the University of Notre Dame found that 98 percent of dieters regained the weight they lost within a year. So why bother?

Many dieters have a fear of gaining the weight back, even when they regain the weight. They dread trips to the supermarket or feel too ashamed to eat out with friends. But weight regain isn’t inevitable. A healthy lifestyle is sustainable, and research shows that people who lose weight and keep it off — or even lose more than 10 or 20 pounds — increase their life expectancy.

Eat a high-protein breakfast

A high-protein breakfast helps you stay full longer, which is helpful when you’re trying to lose weight. Try eggs or peanut butter on whole-grain toast.

Eat slowly

Eating slowly helps you feel full faster — and boosts the metabolism, to boot.

Eat more vegetables

Vegetables are low in calories, filling, and nutritious, so they’re good for weight loss. Stick with leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and lettuce, and consider adding a plate of veggies to your weight loss meal plan.

Fill up on fiber

Fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains fill you up without adding too many calories. Consume at least 25 grams of fiber every day.

Snack on healthy fats

Eating healthy fats like nuts, avocados, and olive oil add to the calorie count, but they’ll keep you full longer.

Drink plenty of water

Water helps keep you hydrated, which keeps you full and boosts metabolism. Aim to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day.


If you’re looking to lose weight, what you eat is just as important as how much. How to eat in a calorie deficit?The good news is that it’s easier than you think to eat well for fewer calories, which means you can still enjoy your favorite foods! At the core of healthy eating is the calorie itself. We all have a certain number of calories our body needs each day to function properly, and this is called our Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

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