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5 Benefits of Therapy for Eating Disorders

Did you know that 9% of the U.S. population will have some type of eating disorder during their lifetime? That’s a pretty scary statistic.

However, if you are one of the 9% or know someone who is, you don’t have to go through it alone. Therapy can help as one of the best treatment options out there.

Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of therapy for eating disorders.

1. Address Psychological Concerns

A lot of times, eating disorders stem from comorbidity with depression or anxiety or another mental health issue.

If you go to therapy, a psychologist can help address and diagnose if there is another underlying issue that could cause the eating disorder. If there is, therapy is a great treatment option for both since there may be different treatment options to help with both.

2. Help the Client Better Understand the Condition

Having an eating disorder can be a very confusing thing, and even more confusing if dealing with it alone.

A therapist can help the patient understand the condition more. This could include what factors lead to the disordered eating, if there are triggers, and other facts behind each condition.

3. Help With Self-Confidence

Part of the reason that patients need to go to therapy is to help them see themselves in a better light. Increasing awareness of how they view their bodies can help to untangle the negative feelings they have about themselves, which may be part of what is contributing to the eating disorder.

Through therapy sessions and talking with a psychologist, patients may find an increase in confidence and a better self-image, which will help them outgrow and overcome their eating disorder with time.

Even though this may happen if their confidence increases, it can go away at any time. Read more about relapse and eating disorders here.

4. Give a Safe Space for Free Expression

Sometimes patients don’t ever feel that they are safe to express themselves freely. In a therapist’s office, this is not the case.

They have full freedom to expression and the ability to talk through whatever is bothering them. The ability for them to speak freely and get things off of their chest may help them reduce stress and anxiety to free them to begin working on their eating habits.

5. Develop Coping Skills

Eating disorders often develop as a way to cope with something bigger in one’s life. Going through therapy can help to develop other, healthier coping skills that a patient can use in the future and during recovery.

The best therapy gives patients help not only just in the moment but for future problems as well.

Benefits of Therapy for Eating Disorders

While there are benefits of therapy for most people, there are many specifically geared to those who suffer from eating disorders.

A psychologist can help treat disorders by giving clients a safe space to express themselves and discuss their concerns and life stressors as well as helping them to develop healthier coping skills.

Did you enjoy reading about the benefits of therapy? Check out some other similar blogs on our site.

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